Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources

Rocky Mountain Rotaract's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative seeks to develop a Rotaract-specific toolkit to assist clubs and districts build more inclusive environments where every individual feels valued and heard. As Rotary and Rotaract clubs improve their commitments to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Rocky Mountain Rotaract recognized the need for a resource toolkit designed specifically for Rotaract clubs.

The RMR DEI Initiative is composed of Rotaracts, RMR Directors and a Rotarian subject matter expert that works to develop DEI resources for direct implementation. As we work with Rotaract clubs to better understand their culture and climate, we will continue to develop a strategic toolkit based on opportunities for growth.



Rotaract & Rotary DEI Resources

Diversity in Clubs/Being an Ally

In the session, "Diversity in Your Clubs and Being an Ally," you'll explore your privileges and how to use them to be an ally.


DEI Challenges/Opportunities

How do we create and maintain inclusion? This video explores barriers and how to implement DEI within clubs and districts.



Personal Growth Resources

Have questions or wish to share your thoughts? Please reach out! Email us at info@rockymountainrotaract.org.

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